Manufacturer: Stamco USA
Line Direction: Right to Left
Complete Line with the Following Components:
L-Type Entry Coil Car
Mandrel Uncoiler
16"-20" ID W/ Pads For 24"
Hydraulic Slide Base
Hydraulic Expansion
Hold Down Roll
60 HP DC Motor, 500/2300 RPM, 500 V
Hydraulic Peeler Table
Entry Pinch Roll
20 HP DC Motor
3 Roll Coil Breaker
30 HP DC Motor
Entry Crop Shear
Entry Edge Guides
Slitter Heads
(2)- 7" Arbor x 60" Heads
(1)- 5" x 48" Head
Crane Removable Design
100 HP DC Motor, 650/1950 RPM, 500 V
Large Amount Of Knives, Spacers & Rubbers
Crop Shear
Pit Entry Unit
Passline Hold Down Unit
Looping Pit
Pit Exit Unit
Entry Separator Bar
Drag Board Tension Stand with Pads
Adjustable Roll Type Tension Stand
Exit Crop Shear
100 HP DC Motor, 650/1950 RPM, 500 V
Scrap Baller
16" ID, Pads For 20" & 24"
Hydraulic Gripper & Expansions
Free Standing Overarm Separator
150 HP DC Motor, 500/2000 RPM, 500 V
Exit Coil Car
Clam Coil Hold Down
Complete Line with Hydraulics, Electrics and Controls