Tension Stands

Tension Stands

A Tension Stand is a critical component of a slitting line. A tension stand presses on slit coil strips to keep tension between the recoiler and the stand, while maintaining slack in the material in the looping pit.

Types of tension stands are rotary, drag board, and combination rotary drag board. A rotary tension stand consists of two coated rolls that press on the material and move at the same speed as the recoiler. A drag board tension stand applies pressure on the material with two felt covered boards. A drag board tension stand applies pressure with air bladders pushing the boards on the material. A rotary drag board tension stand is a combination of the two. In a rotary drag board tension stand you have felt covered boards applying pressure on the material simultaneously with two coated rolls.
72" x .126" Stamco Rotary Drag Board Tension Stand


72" x .126" Stamco Rotary Drag Board Tension Stand

60" x .125" Bronx Combination Tension Stand & Crop Shear


60" x .125" Bronx Combination Tension Stand & Crop Shear

60" Pro Eco Tension Stand


60" Pro Eco Tension Stand

48" Wide Drag Board Tension Stand

Not Specified

48" Wide Drag Board Tension Stand

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